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Touring Talkies

“The art of story writter”

1. The jury will shortlist the short films and only the best      two will be screened in the events and be awarded.
2. The decision made by the jury are the final, no changes
    will be made.

1. Action
2. Documentry
3. Horror
4. Social message


1. The duration of the film must be less than 7min.
2. Submission should be made on Feb 14, 2018.
3. The students must bring their official college ID card or a Bonafide letter from their appropriate institute

3. No shades of imitation from any copyrighted content should be seen.
4. The short films should be copied through pendrive,not through mail or youtube links.
5. By submitting the short film, you confirm that you hold the rights to any and all audio and video In your short film.
6. The participant can use any cameras.
7. The short film with violence or any inappropriate content will be eliminated.

8. Judges decision will be final.


The event is open to all...

Contact our event co-ordinator for any queries.

Mr. Hari Haran

+91 8883810910


Reach me through FB on

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